
Arduino brushless motor


  1. #include //Using servo library to control ESC

  2. Servo esc; //Creating a servo class with name as esc

  3. void setup()

  4. {

  5. esc.attach(8); //Specify the esc signal pin,Here as D8

  6. esc.writeMicroseconds(1000); //initialize the signal to 1000

  7. Serial.begin(9600);

  8. }

  9. void loop()

  10. {

  11. int val; //Creating a variable val

  12. val= analogRead(A0); //Read input from analog pin a0 and store in val

  13. val= map(val, 0, 1023,1000,2000); //mapping val to minimum and maximum(Change if needed)

  14. esc.writeMicroseconds(val); //using val as the signal to esc

  15. }

Инструкция для ESC HW - https://yadi.sk/i/nJre_RmtxhWXq
servo.attach(pin, 800,2200)

Servo esc_signal;

void setup()
  esc_signal.attach(12);  //Specify here the pin number on which the signal pin of ESC is connected.
  esc_signal.write(30);   //ESC arm command. ESCs won't start unless input speed is less during initialization.
  delay(3000);            //ESC initialization delay.

void loop()
esc_signal.write(55);   //Vary this between 40-130 to change the speed of motor. Higher value, higher speed.

Настройка регуляторов ESC без карты по пикам Vlog#09

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