Indoor plants automatic watering

 2-channel house plants irrigation scheduler

- powered by 18650 lithium battery;
- can feed up to 4(with 1 pump) or 8(2 pumps) plants, while you are on vacation or out of home;
- battery discharge indication (LED blinks 3 times);
 - configuration by buttons only.
- up to 3 weeks of standalone work (depends of the load) on 18650 lithium battery 2800mА/h

Configuation demo:

Buy for $10:

Match watering frequency to the houseplant's needs and growth patterns

plant watering system 38.8M
house plants vacation watering system 29.8M
house plants watered while vacation 5.1M
indoor plants automatic watering system 12.2M
house plants automatic watering system 5.6M
automatic watering system for house plants 3.1M
indoor plants 10 – 100 
house plants 100 – 1K 

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